International Overdose Awareness Events
The International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) is a global event held August 31st each year to remember those gone too soon from overdoses and commit to our goal of preventing these deaths, from the workplace to any place.
The Enlightening Hope Project will always recognize the purpose of the International Overdose Awareness Day as a day where we mourn and remember loved ones lost to overdose and end the stigma of drug-related deaths; and, we will forever feel the absence of the loss. However, we must also remember to acknowledge and add August 29th through September 4th as Overdose Awareness Week.
This gallery will follow each year's event hosted for families and the community to join together to remember your loved ones and collectively work to end overdose deaths.

2023 Overdose Awareness Day

2022 Overdose Awareness Event

2021 Overdose Awareness Event